Saturday, September 4, 2010

why women are better traders than men?

5% of the total traders are women.

But if you consider only successful traders, the percentage is higher of the women!

Reasons are not hard to find!

Women are less arrogant.

They rarely get stuck up in bad trades.

They don't have the proverbial "Male Ego" that shouts "I can't be wrong!"

Men are "tough-enough" to withstand the pain of adverse market moves and thus "naive-enough" to keep their accounts bleeding rather than let their ego bleed.

Women traders simply follow - the money!

Being profitable is more important for them than being right!

They are flexible in their mindset.

They don't trade with preconceived prejudices and notions.

They are more at home with the idea of "take it as it comes".

Women traders are more disciplined and less lazy.

As an inference from John Gray's masterpiece "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"

- Women traders like communication. They are more alert to anything the market is trying to say!

- Male traders like power. Anything that makes them feel powerless is likely to cause immense discomfort and hence compromised decision.

So, what can male traders do?

As Osho said

"Awareness about the fact is itself the liberation!"

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