Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Road to Heaven!

A trader was chatting with God.

"God! I want to go to Heaven, please show me the way!" he typed and entered.

"Can you bear Hell?" God typed back.

"Why, God! I want to know the road to heaven, not hell!"

"...because the road to Heaven, my dear child, goes thru hell!"

"But why is it important to be a able to bear the hell?"

"...because if you can't bear it, you will deboard the tram right in the hell and sent back on foot. You will never reach the heaven!"

"and what if I can't or don't want to bear the hell?"

"then, my child, the place you are presently in is not that bad either, is it?"

"but why did u got the road to heaven built thru hell?"

"so that u know the difference, my child and not make hell out of heaven when u reach there!"

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