Friday, January 29, 2021

heavenly chat with a guru

Js: Traders fed up with the rise a few days ago are fed up with fall now...

Trading is a game of cycles and trends.

Without cycles and trends, big players can't make money

Krish: This means human nature is always predictable?

Js: i would say that in a slightly different way...human schemes and the response to those schemes by other humans are always predictable. in fact, as legendary strategy gurus al ries and jack trout say, humans can't tolerate confusion. whether the operator or traders, the ruler or the ruled....all are predictable while trying to avoid confusion.

it's just that many times, clever men complicate, disguise, or camouflage things in such a way that the masses start thinking as if the confusion is really incomprehensible.

Krish: So that means, market reaching equilibrium too is non-acceptable.

Js: if an expert is at the driving seat of the operators or the establishment, it is almost surety that the confusion is just an encoding or encryption of some degree. because the moment confusion goes out of hand, empires and schemes crumble like a pack of cards....

equilibrium is the truth dead clocks kiss twice every day but hate it.

it is all a game and hence can be played. you only have to refuse to believe that you can't understand it. because you can.

it is all fixed and rigged.....beautifully and mathematically

Krish: As they say, there are patterns in the chaos too.

Js: yes....chaos too is a pattern...whenever you are sure that a pattern is emerging, you can be sure that it will change.....anyways, humans can't survive the chaos, including the operators. and as long as humans are controlling the algos of their trading machines we can rest assured that chaos can't be true.

Js: but the day, computers take over from their masters, assuring them profits in return at all cost, wild moves will be common and markets will die because a billion sheep will lose the attraction to the slaughterhouse.

Js: a trader may not earn even a rupee in the market all his life, but he can never lose love of life if only he ensures that he doesn't lose more than he can afford to....

Krish: That's so true, what maximum then they can do is, create an illusion of chaos to that perfection that it becomes so hard to crack by the same organization that created it..only the elite has the key to keep changing this pattern?

Js: such is the life giving quality of the markets.....

the illusion of chaos...yes....

that's the challenge, that's the crack the code

Krish: Mass is been fed with this narrative simultaneously to create another confusion.

Js: o yes...bullseye

Js: all tv's, books, videos, etc are all crimes by the innocent, on the innocent

Krish: An illusion becomes belief if taken on an everyday basis, so no wonder it becomes addictive too

Js: but you can't fight them, convince them, upset their cart, damage their dhandha or change their mindset.....and why do i often say....never argue the system, short it


and we start loving the illusion. so much so that we are ready to die defending it

markets are mini-universe

markets only magnify what we truly horrible multiples

Krish: True, deep down this illusion has its base on the "fear" factor of masses. That's the only emotion that can be kindled with a few extra million out of their profit kitty.

Js: yes

greed too is the vengeance of the fear

a fearless man can be rarely greedy

a greedy man will often be fearful

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

somebody isn't thinking

a trader will go bankrupt without a system and mad without following it.

u have some base to start working

operators can hide their stealth bombers but not it's magnetic fields as visible in many indicators

the more and longer you observe and record, more secrets you stumble upon

throw ancient rules of Elliott waves out of window. majority don't work. those were primitive. modern market behavior respects basic psychological and accumulation distribution principles those were being the original Elliott Wave theory but the rules are no more valid. market dynamics have changed. strong hands have had to evolve in trapping the majority money. i wasted a lot of time sticking to classical Elliott rules. those are perhaps perfect ploy to befool the masses.

if you believe everything available on net, books or media, you'll never be able to liberate yourself to success. majority of those are recycled outdated untested glamorized hyped fad stuff. some are expired medicine.


when thieves know that all their tricks are available in the market for everyone to read study or train, won't they have migrated to newer ones?

and I'm yet to know see meet anyone consistently big time beating or surviving operators, all noise notwithstanding...

the biggest of names around in India fall flat on their face consistently...

successful ones are hidden

they never reveal their codes

old trader values are still and shall always be valid, not old tricks especially without adapting to contemporary market realities.

any trading room is neither a pub, nor a club, nor a casino.... it is business chamber.


There are two times when people forget their principles: at the top of the market and at the bottom.
- Phillip A. Lowe

and they are not sure of the top as well as the bottom


If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking. ~ George S. Patton

Pressure tested trading systems

Trading system pipes are pressure tested in adverse moves and volatile ranges. They start leaking or burst from their invisible cracks or weak points. Pressure tested trading systems should be appreciated and treasured by traders.

No trading system is perfect till pressure tested for every condition.

Pressure tested trading systems are not the fastest or the most productive but they are surely optimum yielding in the long run.

Stomachs of Sparrows

 In "The Secret of Letting Go", Guy Finley says that though we want not to drown in adversity, our habits are exactly opposite. We cling to the thing which exactly is drowning us.

A trader has to continuously keep tracking his thoughts to ensure that he himself is not blocking his own path.

Our success is delayed not without any reason

Osho says freedom is nearer to us than we think. We can get liberated the moment we truly decide to. But our comfort with failure makes us nervous about uncharted success where all excuses evaluate. We want profit but not mind boggling. We want thodaa thodaa 😊

We have stomachs of sparrows but hate to be hawks and vultures we are out to emulate and beat.

To be successful at trading we need to sign the contract of getting changed in the head. 

Fortunately there is a second way. Understanding the vultures instead of becoming one

the bad ATM dilemma

I am once again amused by the unwillingness of overwhelming number of traders to accept the long rally in the market. they are repeatedly taking anti trend positions and being bleeded.

This reminds me of a very interesting psychological phenomenon...

Suppose you are standing in front of an atm machine late evening and swipe card for 1000rs. Now let's consider a scenario that the atm machine goes bad and keeps vending currency note after note after note and doesn't stop. It counts 1000 and throws them out. Then again counts 1000 more and throws out...

What will be your reaction? What will you do?

Chances are you'll soon call someone and point it out to authorities instead of just collecting all and vanishing. Because that's the way you are groomed. Both fear of punishment and moral hand brakes will keep you in check. 

Same mindset and habit spills over to trading. When market whipsaws and beats you, you accept it like a victim accepts his torment. But when a trending market gives you profit and keeps giving you profit with insanity of a bad atm machine, you feel guilty in your subconscious and don't believe it. You feel so uncomfortable that in hearts of hearts wish that it ends.

mind frozen in strategy

whatever it does, market tires you. that is it's objective. and that exactly should be a trader's duck that.

it is a mind game to snatch each other's money.....even make others surrender theirs.....dirty mind game....that's all it is...

so, never trade with mind

trade with system

a trading system is a mind frozen in a strategy.


those who say timing is not important mean to say that they are finding it difficult to time. timing is important. and wherever, timing is difficult, approximate timing is the next important thing.

you can't buy anything anytime without consequences.

(sweet) poisoned by fundamentals

as a technical trader, i am not bothered by the why's and how's. though i am amused and intrigued, frankly.

finding the why's and how's actually is none of my business as a technical trader. i make sure that my analysis or thoughts or systems are not polluted or adulterated or (sweet) poisoned by fundamentals. i love to trade with ears and mind shut tight.

everything is built in the chart (not in the price : which is a different and mere instantaneous thing) with shadows in the they say, technicals know that the news is coming (or not coming).


I can't be an expert in difficult anti trend cheeky guerilla snatch trades if I'm not v good first at pro trend no brainer one.

to be or not to be fearful (& greedy)

Absence of fear and greed indicates that you don't qualify to be a trader as yet. Presence of fear and greed indicates that you don't have a system yet or are not sticking to it.

Fear and greed should become non players for anyone to be a professional trader.

market is a host who will drink a whole barrel/drum of wine right in front of your eyes, asking you to join but never making you comfortable enough to say yes and take more than a few sips...that too from his left overs in the glass.

being shameless and fearless is the only option.

paper trader, paper tiger

i have always been of the opinion that a trader should not hesitate to share his views about trading opportunities and sides. in fact, this is v important. one must share his market views openly. i have written about this once or twice.

the benefit is huge...

once you have announced what u feel u have taken a public stance. this puts a hell lots of pressure on you to think twice all the homework, stick to system.

people say paper trading is good practice. i agree. but i go one step ahead and recommend that an aspiring trader should share his trade opinion or trade. in paper trading you have no money to lose, thereby the pressure being v low except small ego hurt in hearts of heart. but when u announce it, although u don't have any money to lose, you have a reputation and ego at stake. that gives you as much practice as betting your money would have.

to be a champion athlete or trader or anything, we don't need to relieve pressure, we need to get used to it and perform because of it...

nothing propels you more than your injured ego...

paper traders who remain anonymous or unannounced don't gain much confidence from paper trading imho

the best person to announce your trade is to the one who doesn't want you to wife, father, mother

nothing tests your system, resolve and readiness than a crisis. the strategy which survives the crisis is a good one.

pressure is god's blessing....provided we accept it

temporary pleasure, occasional profit

Since market are up 85% of the time it is basically all about buying, buying at the right time, the right amount. Selling gives only momentary, temporary pleasure, occasional profit.


Never average shorts on rises of bulk runs, always average longs in falls of bull runs.

Once your direction is fixed, timing and size is all that's left to decide.

Trends never end soon after starting. So never hurry in taking or unwinding positions in a jiffy. You'll get plenty of time. Wait for confirmations. That's why they are called trends

If there is no trend your position anyways can't be wrong except a bit and temporarily

And if you choose the trend wrong you can see it loud and clear and turn around

Over excitement is poison for traders...Enthusiasm is ok