Thursday, August 19, 2010

3 enemies of a trader

In his all-time classic "Think and Grow Rich"

author Napoleon hill has identified 3 enemies (of a trader) as

- Indecision

- Doubt

- Fear

Indecision is "not pulling the trigger despite verdict by the indicators and method"

Doubt is "not trusting the indicators and method"

Fear is "letting lose the destructive imagination to blackmail the weak points of your financial position."

Indecision causes doubt to grow.

Growing doubt creates fear.

Fear leads to wrong decision.

Wrong decision results in loss.

Loss causes pain.

Pain validates fear.

Fear strengthens doubt.

Doubt justifies indecision.

Want to trade....then go ahead and trade.

Don't want to trade...then don't.

but for heaven's decisive!

If the decision turns out to be wrong,

everything in this world has something called Emergency Switch called

Stop Loss!

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