Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"Don't trade, if you need to make money"

I came across this enigmatic phrase while surfing the net.

I was really intrigued to read it!

At first, it seemed paradoxical and incorrect!

But when I applied my mind seriously to it, I saw the real hidden message...
and what a message it turned out to be!


when do we trade?

when we need money.

The pressure of "needing" money thru trading overshadows the need to learn "how to make money thru trading"

This pressure gets in the way of the discipline required to implement and stick to the lessons learnt.

Result - Loss!

Not just 'loss' but repeated 'losses'!

'Needing money' means your focus is on 'money' and not on 'method of money'. There is an element of desperation - whether we admit or not, whether we are conscious of this fact or not!

We simply can't focus on training.

We simply can't focus on the method, the practice, the experience...

We just can't tolerate even small loss.

We "need" money.

And our mind is not willing to listen to anything else.

But what happens when we need money but don't "need" it!


What happens when our focus is on 'learning' and 'experiencing' and 'developing method instead of "need money"?

The pressure is gone!!!

We start learning and eventually get the formula, the secret of a successful trade!

Money comes but the "need" is gone!

Because now we know that 'money' is there for the asking, there for the grabs!!!

So, rectify the approach.

"Don't trade, if you need to make money"

"Trade when you need the secret"

Money will come!

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