Monday, January 3, 2011

trading @ the speed of google!

when a doctor
passes out with an MBBS degree
and attends his
first and subsequent patient,
he realises
that a big big big
percentage of what all he has learnt
never comes up for implementation,
never required to be recalled!
a good percentage of theory
never gets used
throughout his career!
so does it mean
that all that he had studied was wastage?
does it mean that all that he learnt and researched and practiced
was not required?
a wastage?
is it true that
a big big percentage of what all a trader studies
in months and years of preparation
to ready himself for trading
is not put to test?
that atleast 90% will never get chance to come up for implementation...
so does it mean that all that "extra" stuff is wastage?
well, while i agree that all lessons you learn in 5 years of MBBS
and many years of MS or MD
are not recalled in 10 minutes of diagnosing a patient,
but those years and years of data and training and practice
programs your subconscious!!!
so when it appears that
only 1 or 2 decision logics have gone into
diagnosing the problem
recommending the treatment
and deciding whether there is more to the situation than that meets the eye,
it is actually a split second
super-super analyses
by your right brain
experienced intuition and gut-feeling
developed by lightening fast scanning
of millions of learnings
stored in your psyche!
just like google throws the search result
after scanning a million pages
in 0.01 seconds!!!
all that you study
and experience
is always there
at the tip of that decision
consciously or sub-consciously!!!

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