Friday, December 6, 2013

u have to kill "i" even in the market

see, among me and market, only market has the ego. 

i am a strict follower. wherever market goes, 7000 or 700, i will be after her, very faithfully. 

this is one big lesson i have learnt over the years among others.

i may not know the reason why market is doing in a particular moment what it does. 

i might come to know the reason later, or too late. 

so i never bother.

as osho says, u have to kill "i" even in the market. 

what market does, just do it, whether or not u know the reason behind it.

very often, there is no reason except the traps and tricks of operators.

operators have to beat the majority ALL of the time!!!

having said that, it amuses to keep a small third eye open while the 2 are glued to the market.

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