Friday, June 24, 2011

trader on a roller coaster

if the price line in the stock market

is a roller coaster

then the operators are its designers!


they design

the ups and downs

the turns and twists and loops

and runs and stops

and climbs and falls

in such a way

that the riders

i.e. you and me

experience the maximum



the shock turns

shock retardation

shock acceleration

stops and starts

loops and tilts....

all are designed

to generate maximum g-force!

they know it very well

that there is always a limit

to the extent of g-force

a normal

trader can withstand!


the poor trader

first enjoys the ride

then gets the thrill

and when the "real ride" starts

he or she is gasping for breath

but the ride doesn't stop.


the only way out -



you get the thrill

the operators get the money!

your money!


the same thing happens

time after time



so, what can a trader do?

learn to anticipate the turn?

learn to cram the turns?


that won't help.

they will change the turns everytime.


so what to do?

practice practice practice

adjusting your body

to the g-force cycles

just like a fighter pilot.



even operators can't change a g-force song

every second.


with time

you will learn to ride the roller coaster

like mr.bean



enjoy the ride!

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