Sunday, March 20, 2011

labels on the jars!

many years ago
when i first learnt cooking
to help my working wife
one of the initial difficulties was
identifying different ingredients
in the jars!
i often mistook one ingredient
with an identical one
like "besan" (gram flour) with "makki aata" (maize flour)
or sugar powder with baking soda
...and so on!
my wife
determined to teach me the art
helped me
by labeling all the jars!
all went right for some days
till one day
a terrible mistake happened!

that day
my daughter
had replenished
the empty jars
with fresh supplies
but accidentally filled some jars
without looking at the labels!

that evening
in my hurry to quickly complete
my bit of responsibility
i prepared the two dishes
using the "labelled" ingredients!

it is anybody's guess
as to what happened
at the dining table!


that day
i got a lesson
which helped me
in the cooking
as well as
stock trading...

"labels on the jars
are just to indicate.
smell or taste the ingredient
before putting in the dish!"


"indicators below the charts
are just to indicate.
smell or taste the trend
before putting in the money!"

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