Saturday, December 25, 2010

mind v/s indicators

who makes the trading decision

you or your mind?

obviously your mind.

you are nobody

your mind is the real you

and what is your mind?

is it the hardware which is mind

or the software in it?

obviously it is the software

if hardware were the mind

all minds in the world would have been the same

and you would be making money in the markets as much as

the most succesful trader having the same hardware!


it is the software that is the mind

and it is this software which is trading

not you!

if you are losing more than you are winning

then the culprit is the software!

who programmed this software?

was it programmed in C++ or Java or VB?

how much time would it have taken to develop this software?

well, no programmer programmed your mind's software!

this software was programmed

through a lifetime of

conscious and subconscious learnings and experiences!

whatever you think

is not you but the the software in your mind that is thinking

on the basis of its likes and dislikes

preferences and biases

fears and greeds

lessons and prejudices

programmed into it till date!



during trading hours

this software is pitched in a direct fight

with the logical signals of technical indicators!

do you have any idea who wins this fight

day after day


it's your mind's software!

T.Harv Eker has also strongly endorsed this in his classic

"secrets of a milionaire mind".

the poor logical technical indicator is always vetoed

unless he is saying what is same as the programmed mind is saying!

is it surprising any more that you have been losing despite knowing indicators?


and for heavens sake

now don't start flogging mercilessly your mind!

it's not his fault!

start reprogramming it with

"millionaire" thoughts and habits and behaviour patterns!

till date you have not been a milliOnaire

and hence your programmed thoughts are not those of a millionaire

rather, you have been hating the millionaire coterie hearts-of-hearts all these years

and hence your programmed minds are anti-millionaire

whereas your conscious mind wants to be one!


tell your mind that

money is not a sin!

profit is not a dirty word, loss is!

tell him gently that

it is not a crime to be wealthy!

risk is not bad but a must!

all sweet things are not profitable

and all bitter things are not bad!

tell him to be less fearful and more bold

tell him that the company of the losers is not a good thing

tell him that it is ok to be oppotunist

tell him that it is ok to profit at other's expense

tell him that it is not a sacrifice to lose in the market

.....tell him a hundred more things

ask him to dare to unlearn old things not fit in the ruthless trading world

persuade him to learn new lessons....

because what he learns

will react in your bank balance!

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