Monday, October 11, 2010

Myths & Facts about Hypnotism

Myth: A person is asleep during hypnosis.

Fact: A person is totally awake during hypnosis.

Proof: Just watch traders trade!


Myth: A person in a hypnotic state does not know what is going on around him/her.

Fact: A hypnotised person can hear everything. He/she is aware of the surroundings.

Proof: Just watch traders trade!


Myth: The hypnotist can make you do things you don’t want to do, like take clothes off etc.

Fact: This is incorrect. The hynotised person can reject any such suggestion.

Proof: (While the myth is definitely wrong, but I can't give a trader's example as a proof as they often forget the fact and endorse the myth, to their own peril!)


Myth: A person can get stuck in a hypnotic state.

Fact: No. A person cannot get stuck in hypnosis.

Proof: Every trader returns to his senses to realise his blunder!


Myth: The hypnotist hypnotizes people.

Fact: The person hypnotizes himself/herself. The hypnotist just guides the client through the process.

Proof: Just watch traders trade!


Myth: A person loses control of himself/herself when hypnotized.

Fact: Incorrect. A person has total control of himself/herself when hypnotized.

Proof: Just watch traders trade!


Myth: When you say "I’ve never been hypnotized."

Fact: Everyone experiences natural hypnosis, to some degree, every day.

Proof: Just watch traders trade!


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