Sunday, January 30, 2011

why winning lottery may still not make you rich? (words from masters)

"....if you come into big money
when you’re not ready for it on the inside,
the chances are your wealth will be short-lived
and you will lose it.

The vast majority of people
simply do not have the internal capacity
to create
and hold on to
large amounts of money
and the increased challenges that go
with more money and success.

That, my friends,
is the primary reason
they don’t have much money.

A perfect example is
lottery winners.
Research has shown again and again
that regardless of the size of their winnings,
most lottery winners eventually return to their original financial state,
the amount they can comfortably handle.

On the other hand,
the opposite occurs for self-made millionaires.
Notice that when self-made millionaires lose their money,
they usually have it back within a relatively short time.

the (difference):
the millionaire mind.

some people’s financial thermostats are set for generating
hundreds, not even thousands;

and some people’s financial
thermostats are set for below zero."

- T. Harv Eker

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