Sunday, January 30, 2011

who changed my cheese?

call it a corollary of the murphy's law

call it a derivation from darwin's theory

call it an epilogue to dr.spencer johnson's mini-masterpiece "who moved my cheese"

but i have realized and experienced and seen


two things are sure to change

over a period of time

- the rules of the game, and

- the game itself !!

the only consolation is

that it will still be a game

but a totally different one,

the one which you didn't prepare for,

the one which is totally opposite to

what you prepared for!


just when the US and the entire world got assured

that US will be the sole superpower

in post USSR era,

arose (out of almost nowhere)

the head of a mighty dragon

called China!


now, just when the world is getting the confidence

that it has now learnt to deal with the post-lehmann era

and things are settling down

the entire scenario is going to be changed

by something!

which no expert can see!!


we are always overwhelmed by the present

so much so

that the tiny green-shoots of future

emerging from the soil of present

go totally unnoticed

amongst the grass of confusion!

till they have become overwhelming



just when the world is getting assured

that things have fallen in place

post 9/11

the entire stage will be replaced

by something new

or something totally overlooked!


just when microsoft was handed certificate of invincibility

even by its competitors

a google popped up

and changed the game

while all it wanted to do was

change the rules of the game in its favour!


and just when google is dreaming of the invincibility certificate

the techtonic plates are starting to shift again!


it has always been happening

it will always keep happening!


this phenomenon applies

to everyone and everything in this world

from our lives

to the lives of the companies

to the lives of the nations

and everything and everyone



whenever we are sure

that a particular thing

is now destined to be there forever

something (which was coming but we never saw it)

takes us totally by surprise,

seems to have reset the rules of the game!

it's only after a while

that we realize

that not just the rules of the game

the entire game has changed!!


humans don't like change

they find it difficult to change

before or with the change!

they start changing after the change

but with lots of hidden resistance.

so, by the time they think that thay have changed

the change has changed!!


no sooner than the mental models are ready

to deal with a situation

the situation (and not just its defining parameters)

changes dramatically

making the model-in-hand


and thus necessitating a new model!


the ones

who can make the new model

fast and accurate

will be the winners

in any game in the world!


in ben-10 alien force

on cartoon network

grandpa max

says to ben-10

"son, not everything on earth

finds mention in the books.

and that's where

the fairy-tales are born!"


we will never be able to know everything

we will never be able to comprehend everything

we will never be allowed to comprehend everything

atleast at the same time!

the moment we turn our head and attention to the right

something on the left

will start shifting the techtonic plates!


only present makes the news

that too only the beautiful eyes of the present

everything else goes unnoticed!

the womb of the present

where future is taking shape

is always hidden!


have you noticed

that even in your lives

by the time you learn to patch-up with the reality

by the time you force yourself to be comfortable with the uncomfortable reality

the reality has changed!!

leaving you much behind!!!



around and inside us

is being driven by this phenomenon!


there are 3 kinds of people

and companies

and nations

in the world:

first, ones who are always trying to catch-up and hence will never catch-up

second, the ones who are the cockroaches in the evolution of life (who never change and keep playing their own game in a separate playground)

third, the ones who happily change the model with the change!


it is not just the question of

who is moving your cheese!

on more serious note

the fact is

your cheese is itself changing

into coffee!!!

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