Saturday, November 6, 2010

back to the life's shelf


when I was helping my wife in the kitchen,

while washing a hard plastic plate

it slipped from my hand and fell!

My instant flash reaction was

"It's gonna break!!!"

My instant reaction was based on my experience.

I had broken a few in this way in the past!

But this time, surprisingly, it didn't break.

I was relieved as well as amazed!

what could be the reason!

The height from which it had fallen was same.

It was hard plastic and should have got broken the way others before her had!

Perhaps the reason was that it had fallen not perpendicularly to the ground but in a slanting position.

It didn't fall vertically on its edge

but at an angle!

The impact was largely reduced.

the angle surely saved the plate!

I picked up the "lucky" plate, washed it and put it back on the shelf.

Same thing happens to we humans.

we often slip from the hands of good fortune and fall down.

Many of us often get broken!

Rather, all of us get broken once in a while (if not often)!

What breaks us is not the height from which we fall or slip!

What breaks us is the "angle" with which we fall!

Majority of us, majority of the time fall perpendicular to the life's harsh realities

on the edge of our fragile mental strength and sensitivities!

The solution?

whenever we fall (fortunately or unfortunately?)

lets make it a point to fall at an angle, like the plate

lets try to make the fall light!

lets absorb it on our vast resilience reservoir

rather than on our egdes!

For those of us

who have unfortunately got broken in the hard falls

stand up

pick a quick fix

apply it on self

and get back to the life's shelf after a nice wash!

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