Monday, November 22, 2010

availability and affordability of hell

2500 years ago

Buddha pointed towards "desire" as the root cause of "sorrow".

the truth hasn't changed much in these 2500 years

except for one word....


the word "desire" in the above statement has been replaced by "consumption"

Today, "consumption" is the root cause of "sorrow".

we consume what we outrightly don't need

we consume what we don't really need

we consume more than we need

we consume costlier and higher than we need

we consume what we already have

we consume what is not good for us

....our lives are littered with criminal wastage!

resulting into unending unjustified misery!


Sorrow, which used to be a supply-side despair

has turned into a demand-side curse!

availability and affordability of hell

has become an irresistable invitation

in the absence of a real agenda!


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