Monday, December 28, 2020

the belle

one of my trader friends from Chennai "M" was in the Netherlands as IT professional. we came in contact with each other through what an IT buff he was. i was scared because of his daring capabilities. once he came to meet me at Shimla and stayed for over a month. he needed fast internet access. he was daring enough to hack a service provider. the reasons i am "praising" his skills lie in what i am going to share below.

one of his (even more sharp) IT pro friend "K" was in the UK, working for someone in London Stock Exchange. my friend M told me that K was always under intense surveillance...including when he called his family or friends. every movement and acquaintance was strictly as per dos and don'ts. for all this and beyond, he was paid much much more than his pass-out peers.

what was "K" doing?

well, he was the programmer (one of the team) who were asked to create and manage the Bots (robots/programs) which would be given instruction every now and then as to where to take the market or a particular stock in the next few hours or days or weeks or months....both sides

core members/experts/syndicates decide what to do and then let their (computer) jockeys take the (market/stock) horses where they want to...

...computerized accumulation and distribution at its ruthless execution.

i spent months if not years looking for the pugmarks and traces of those computer synchronized belle' some fact quite a few.

the races and the race of races...all are rigged.

thank God!


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