Tuesday, September 16, 2014

2 types of trades

there are 2 types of trades i (am forced to) take

one= when my technicals whisper that the market is about to move in a particular direction.

two = when technicals enter a dark tunnel (are unable to see), and only tacticals are there to guide.

in the second case, while there is no or little directional indication from technicals (i typically call it fog), tactical possibilities with operators to dodge/surprise/maneouvre/shakeup-the-market are good invert indirect indications.

presence of fear covered with froth of disbelief keeps such opportunities covered and potent.

while the first type are pro-active trades, the second ones are more of anticipatory types.

no wonder, it is easier to catch the formers than the latters.

(the current long position in a downtrend is a typical second type of trade)

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