Thursday, March 10, 2011

a suitable boy!

the girl

picked up the newspaper

opened the matrimony page

and started searching

for "a suitable boy"


she stopped at one

and read

"wanted bride

for a handsome boy

age 27






early simple marriage....."


she was not impressed.

she abandoned the ad midway

and was about to skip to the next one

when her eyes stumbled at the last line of that ad

"preparing for IAS"

this line changed the entire scenario

she talked to her parents

they fixed the marriage


the two tied the knot!


after 6 months

the boy failed at the IAS exam.

the girl divorced him!


after another 6 months

the girl decided to marry again.

she picked up the newspaper again

went to the matrimony page

and started searching

for mr.right!


her eyes stopped at the following ad


divorcee bride

for a handsome boy

age 32


wheatish complexion



early marriage....."

the girl was again not impressed

dropped the ad midway

and was about to move to the next ad

when her eyes

noticed the last line

"opened a demat account

started stock trading"

she again talked to her parents

they arranged the marriage



"entered the holy trade"


within 3 months

the young "trader"

went bankrupt....

the girl divorced him!


(moral of the story =

you don't become a trader

just because you have started trading)

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