Sunday, March 20, 2011

is trading an art or a science?


a new entrant in the market

takes up trading as a magic

and hence

an art.


all is well

till the first

whip on the back!

this is when

the trader drops the art aspect

and takes up the science side

(if ofcourse, he doesn't quit the market).


as he learns the basics of this science

and does the practical

he soon realises

that while the market movements

show reasonable obedience

to measurability, predictability and repeatability

to be called a science

they also show

an unmistakable "creativity"

in "surprising" the experimenters!


the trader

now starts calling trading

an artistic science!



he realises

that the art proportion in trading

is much bigger

than the scientific aspect.

he also experiences that

while the scientific aspect of trading is only the backbone

the real contours and beauty of trading

is because of the talent

of the resourceful picasso's and vinci's.....

in the market!


from artistic science!

trading now becomes

scientific art!


and on this road

there comes a time

when nothing but the art is left

.....pure music.

by now,

the trader becomes

an accomplished artist

a fine musician!

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