Tuesday, December 21, 2010

ready for it? (Part-I)

if you are financially well off

then this article is not for you.

but if you are not

please keep reading.


chances are that you must have tried hell of a lot

in your life till this day

to get out of the financial state

you have been

and you are in!


by now you must be full of frustration

thinking why are you unable to get out of this situation...

you must be having a good number of dreams and desires...

neither you are able to fulfill them nor forget them!

you have been hanging

halfway between hell and heaven...

neither here, not there!


the million dollar question is

why are you there where you are?

and why are you not there where you want to be?


if you think that is because of your qualification

then think again...

i can show you a hundred people on the street who are not even literate

but are financially well-off!

i know an illiterate man who has established a flourishing wholesale vegetable supply business worth a few crores of turnover!

i know a barely literate man who is now one of the top civil contractors of the state with turnover of a few hundred crores!

so that excuse is out of the window!


if you think it's because of your luck,

think again...

you have had the same opportunities in front of your eyes in the market

as before lacs of other traders!

some made profit from the same opportunity

while others booked loss!

so, don't give me that excuse either!


if you have a remorse that you didn't succeed because you are less hardworking

you are again wrong...

i can remind you of several instances in your life

when you had worked damn hard!

so keep that guilt atleast an arm-length away.


in case you are thinking that you didn't have adequate capital

you are sadly mistaken...

i don't need to remind you the amount of your money that has gone through your hands into the hands of others over the years!

i can also give you several examples where people have made it big with much lesser!


and i am sure you won't commit the mistake of assuming that you don't have ideas!

one of the biggest is right in your hands....stock trading!


if you think you didn't succeed because of bureaucracy and corrupt system

think yet again...

we all are surrounded by scores of businessmen who succeeded despite these two blessings!

rather, they saw the disadvantage as a blessing loop-hole and exploited to the full to get ahead fast!



if you think seriously and honestly

you will realise that you are left with no alibi to justify your state-of-affairs!



what if i told you

that you and me have not succeeded big time so far


(to be continued...)

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