Tuesday, June 23, 2015

how i learnt trading with options (self talk)

: what i want to say is this

: that we can know when the trend starts or ends but can't tell how long it is going to last....
: and i have often noticed that
: indicators go silent / mute / meek / underground during strong trend storms.......
: they neither signal up nor down nor pause.....
: like a warning system signal which develops a snag when it is needed most
: the best and perhaps the only strategy available at such times (the one i am following now) is to keep trading in the direction of the trend with trailing auto stop loss
: options become virtual futures when they come in the money (after adjusting for the premium)........but are much less risky in the initial stages when the trend is not fully formed.
: sometimes markets go berserk.....that's the time we should stay sane.....self talk
: i just have literacy knowledge of options......but that serves me quite well when coupled with indicators/strategy/plan/method

: options are very simple.......complications are optional
: i have learnt options only from practical.......theory was so confusing.....
: i just learnt the basic meanings of options and learnt their behaviour by hit and trial....
: learning their beauty and ugliness on the way.....
: life or options......avoid theory, plunge and learn......
: that way u r spared of the wrong info which u otherwise might have to unlearn later.....
: and unlearning, mark my words, is a very painful, if at all possible....given the "investment" one has already made.....
: fear of losing investment is bigger and more crippling than fear of being wrong in the direction of trade....self talk

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