Saturday, January 31, 2015

Surviving operators

[8:47AM, 31/01/2015] Jagmohan Singh: Here are some of the pet ways the operators trap us.....
1.shake you with volatility, etc
2.surprise you with a move, extent, direction, et all
3.shock you with speed etc
4.bore you with a train of dull sessions
6.being "illogical"
7.create doubt confusion in you in whatever way...
[8:47AM, 31/01/2015] Jagmohan Singh: It keeps on happening
It will keep on happening
We are getting beaten on a tactical level, my friends...
We are playing against a formidable opponent...
The only way to survive and get our small share out of their grip is to turn the tables.....using tactics for tactics....
1. Compass.....if you have your compass method parameters, you can always remember the direction how so ever they shake you.
2. Guerilla fight.....the longer you stay in the market field, in the open, more chance and time you are giving them to hunt you down. So just remember your compass, wait for the operators to do it till far enough, take an indicated shot and out you go.
3. Patience.....wait for your opportunity to hunt the less....small rides, high volume
[8:47AM, 31/01/2015] Jagmohan Singh: And what do we poor follows do?
-we try to be resilient, obedient, brave, tough, accommodating, all accepting gentlemen.....consoling ourselves, licking our wounds and waiting for it all to pass away as a bad dream...a nightmare.....
But does that really go away?
It keeps on happening
It will keep on happening
We are getting beaten on a tactical level, my friends...
We are playing against a formidable opponent...
The only way to survive and get our small share out of their grip is to turn the tables.....using tactics for tactics....
1. Compass.....if you have your compass method parameters, you can always remember the direction how so ever they shake you.
2. Guerilla fight.....the longer you stay in the market field, in the open, more chance and time you are giving them to hunt you down. So just remember your compass, wait for the operators to do it till far enough, take an indicated shot and out you go.
3. Patience.....wait for your opportunity to hunt the less....small rides, high volume
[9:36AM, 31/01/2015] Mudraa Murli Chainani: When we say operators, obviously they are more than one. Do they take  syndicated action together during sudden and sharp movements in stock market. Curious to understand.
[9:39AM, 31/01/2015] Jagmohan Singh: Valid point....they may not take syndicated actions but their actions are expectedly synchronised and reactive...
[9:40AM, 31/01/2015] Mudraa rajan k: My take  on very important points mentioned by js ji
1.shake you with volatility.
Volatility is bad because  it takes us out of the trade by cutting  our stoploss. Now how to tackle this. One way is not to have stoploss stick with the trade till our target is met. This method works only if we  have very solid money management  techniques i.e we are risking only 5% of our total capital  on one trade. The sounds simple but very  hard to follow. The main reason  is retail enters the market  with small capital  say 1or 2 lacs. 5%of this comes to  5000 or 10000 with this amount hardly  and trade is possible without using leverage. And the moment  we leverage  with start  digging  our own grave.
Now the second option  is to use stoploss. Here depending  on our risk  reward ratio (which should  be at least  1:2)we enter  the trade  with  a stoploss. When our stoploss  is hit we patiently watch  the stock to stabilize for at least  5 min and start moving in direction  of our original trade . then we take the trade again(of course  with stoploss).
[9:40AM, 31/01/2015] Jagmohan Singh: Over reaction is thus more of a norm than aberration
[9:40AM, 31/01/2015] Mudraa Amol Pune: Guess they must be a minority....driving the market as they want with loads of money...trapping majority
[9:41AM, 31/01/2015] Jagmohan Singh: Well said Rajan
[9:41AM, 31/01/2015] Mudraa rajan k: Point 2 and 3 are nothing but off shoot of volatility
[9:42AM, 31/01/2015] Jagmohan Singh: Guerrilla trading is a way out....sticking to our compass reading....
[9:43AM, 31/01/2015] Jagmohan Singh: I strongly believe we should not be in the market always....and we should not react to everything till it validates our compass (understanding of underlying trend)
[9:44AM, 31/01/2015] Mudraa jeneel shah surendranagar gujarat: Wow what a discussion. 👍👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏
[9:46AM, 31/01/2015] Mudraa rajan k: 4.bore you with train of dull session.
Usually  when the broad index stocks are  in dull days  we have some mid caps doing wonders. Play them.  I assure you  will love it
[9:48AM, 31/01/2015] Mudraa rajan k: 5, 6&7 are again  same. Well all I can say is "dhanda hai per  ganga hai ye". It is all about money, honey
[9:49AM, 31/01/2015] Jagmohan Singh: One thing is clear.....we can't make money consistently of we don't have a plan that works against the repeated tactics of stronger hands.

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