Monday, September 26, 2011

cats and operators

have you noticed
that sometimes a small event triggers a big avalanche or launch.
and sometimes a much bigger event causes nothing.

e.g. sometimes a small fed or rbi statement creates ripples
and sometimes nothing happens even when they kick hard.

why is it so?

perhaps markets wait for trigger when they want to do something.
and they ignore everything when they are not in a mood.

perhaps, it is not what the markets want to do that matters,
what matters is what the operators of the market want to do

they want to do what is in their interest.

what can happen if the 20% which hold 80% of the money
are interested or not interested in a particular thing?!!!

operators are true karma warriors,
they don't believe in fate.

whatever happens, whatever the situation, they manipulate themselves to a position of profit.
just like cats which always land on their feet whatever way they fall or are thrown!!!

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