Sunday, July 18, 2010

What's your Achilles' Heel?

Achilles was a great Greek hero warrior.

When he was born his mother made him invulnerable (like our own Duryodhana of Mahabharta) by dipping him upside down in the magical river Styx.

But he remained vulnerable at the heel where his mother held him by, as the water of the magical river couldn't touch him there!

Achilles was killed in the famous Trojan War when an enemy shot a poisoned arrow into his heel.

Thus, Achilles' heel became an idiom which means a person's particular weakness, where he is vulnerable.

Everyone, especially the stock trader, and particularly the one who hasn't gone thru the toughness process as yet, has an Achilles' heel.

And it shows up at the most unwanted time.

Stock market is a pressure cooker and the trader's Achilles' heel blows the whistle.

My Achilles' heel is 'my extreme discomfort in shorting'.

Initially, I tried hard to overcome this.

I fought hard, tried hard.

But it remained, like that of the Greek hero warrior!

Then one day I read somewhere that instead of worrying about and fighting with one's irrepressible weaknesses and limitations, one should always try to build on his/her strengths.

I decided to realize and acknowledge my Achilles' heel before a "poisonous arrow" came and hit there!

Then and there, I acknowledged my Achilles' heel and stopped fighting it.

Now, I always keep it away from the eyes of the "enemy" shark traders.

Identify your Achilles' heel, acknowledge it and focus on your strengths.

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