Friday, August 2, 2024

never swim or trade naked

never swim naked.

atleast never trade naked.

if you are long, instead of buying 2 or 20 lots buy 3ce:1pe pr 30ce:10pe (or in that ratio). always trade hedged. that way, you use more funds, ofcourse, and a bit more in premium decay, but that is the insurance against trades gone wrong or adverse bluff moves.

always trade with a hedge...same instrument is advisable for amateurs. professionals have more sharp options. 

don't hesitate to skim or book adverse moves, if and when they come.

however, this strategy is only if you have a trading system, you know when and why to enter or exit, in which direction is the high probability. if you don't know that or don't know what to do in case of an adverse move, then hedging won't save you much. you have to find ways to recover cost of the hedging insurance.

i, per se, never trade naked. swimming i'm learning. bathing naked is ok.

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