Monday, July 29, 2024

don't fear btst/stbt

 i have seen that many traders avoid taking overnight positions. they fear btst or stbt.

while i respect their logic or decision, i am of the strong opinion that btst or stbt are the best trading opportunities especially in mature markets where operators find lesser ways to shoo off not-so-dumb retail traders.

so, gap up or gap downs are the preferred modes of market moves for operators. 

you might notice, in mature markets like US, most market movements happen overnight. markets are comparatively quieter and range bound during the trading hours.

overnight positions are good for retail traders as well for another reason. since they can't do anything while the market is closed, they can't fiddle with position due to emotions. the patience is forced. that way full outcome of trade is ensured. you don't lose more and profit less. the loss or profit is as per full potential of that trade for that time. 

everything depends upon the direction of trade taken at close. not on fundamental level, but on technical level reflected in charts. 

only caution, and a big one.... trade small quantity that you can afford to lose, with the one you can sleep with a sweet smile of cute gamble.... 

i know some fellow traders who do only btst/ of the time.....till 3pm, say, they are free, whistling....

btst/stbt is one of the most bang-for-the-time-buck way of trading.

two more things....first, clear btst/stbt setup may not be there everyday... but then, there is no compulsion to trade. second, btst/stbt trade is not valid a few minutes before close and a few minutes after opening. out of that zone, other factors are at play.

one more bonus idea...if the btst/stbt outcome is still a negative surprise, the move post that pro-trend may be tried.

just sharing my thoughts. your discretion and expert opinion advised. those weak in technical analysis shouldn't attempt btst/stbt. 

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