Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Stomachs of Sparrows

 In "The Secret of Letting Go", Guy Finley says that though we want not to drown in adversity, our habits are exactly opposite. We cling to the thing which exactly is drowning us.

A trader has to continuously keep tracking his thoughts to ensure that he himself is not blocking his own path.

Our success is delayed not without any reason

Osho says freedom is nearer to us than we think. We can get liberated the moment we truly decide to. But our comfort with failure makes us nervous about uncharted success where all excuses evaluate. We want profit but not mind boggling. We want thodaa thodaa 😊

We have stomachs of sparrows but hate to be hawks and vultures we are out to emulate and beat.

To be successful at trading we need to sign the contract of getting changed in the head. 

Fortunately there is a second way. Understanding the vultures instead of becoming one

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