Saturday, February 22, 2020

are the markets fixed?

yes, the markets are fixed.

(i would, rather, prefer to call it - "controlled". i would certainly not called them "rigged".)

if they were not (fixed), they wouldn't be there at first place. at least, not the size they are at any given time.

they are, because of this reason, a large generator of gaming and service (pseudo-) employment.

so, large that you would hold your head in disbelief if you were to know the real numbers.

almost fake markets are the biggest supporters and insurance to the economy of the world. without them, a major part of the economy would collapse.

markets suck most of the poison and pain for you for most of the time.

markets are the solution to the problem of making life less miserable for most of the world, mostly indirectly.

markets are engine of the world. and here, i am not talking about the stock markets but the money market which has the stock market as its piston and cylinder.

markets are the necessary evil. in fact, critical evil. without this evil, the real ugly face of the "good" (anti-evil) will be exposed. good exists because of the evil. evil has been hated far too much and far too long for the politics and narrative of the good to live and survive. they have out the human greed to the best possible use in the service of the humanity which otherwise can't sustain itself with the limited ideas of gainful employment it has beyond the basic food, shelter, medicine and clothing ideas.

markets are the biggest reason, cause and motivator for most of the things on the planet, if not all.

my these views have got bolstered after i listened to Andre Minassian. don't listen to him. he will change the way you think about the markets, the world in general and money in particular. and certainly don't watch the Atlantic Reports channel.

people probably hate markets for being fixed. if they knew enough, they would be grateful!

and, by the way, just because they are fixed, you can make money in them. if they were not, they would make you and all bankrupt for sure, because of the sheer lawlessness and randomness with which the markets would behave in the hands of the logical mad masses who know nothing behind the scenes and react to everything.

for once, i want to say "thank you" to all so-called manipulators of the markets in specific and the world in general.

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