Monday, January 27, 2020

driving your own trade

Having lived in Himachal for some decades now, I am used to driving on the snaky blind hillside roads. very early I realized that driving on mountain roads is quite different from the rash brash driving of the plains where the view is unhindered versus the blind turns on mountains after every few meters.

One of the firm points I made to myself was that I will never overtake a car or bus, truck etc at the blind turn just because the driver of that vehicle is giving me indication (through indicator or waiving of hand) to overtake. out of fear or pure prudence, I decided not to blindly trust that person in the vehicle ahead. that I will check for myself and overtake when I find it safe. overtaking will be my decision and not that based on someone's else's understanding from his/her view.

and am I glad about that decision? you bet!

So many times, I was whizzed pass a truck bus or car from the opposite side which the driver ahead had missed or misjudged while waiving me to overtake.

Same thing I do in trading where the roads are much more treacherous as well as blind viewed. I overtake the market action only when I myself am sure (at least in my mind as per the system). the decision is purely mine and I stand by the consequences.



venkat raman said...

Hello Jag Mohanji .
Thanks for the blog.
Keep it up.
I have learnt a lot from your experiences (writings ).
You seem to know the inside of a Trader being one your self.
Thank you for everything

venkat raman said...

Thank you