Friday, October 28, 2016

zen and art of stock trading

chest thumping ability to say that i was wrong is a critical ability u must possess to have any chance to be a successful trader in a v difficult treacherous arena like stock market.
u must trample ur own ego under ur own hard shoes.
your views about a particular trading situation may not be right, but it does give u a point of reference to remain emotionally stable a bit longer.

and a point of reference to improve upon.....
trading is a mind game played online by worldwide grown up children!!!
controlled by a few grown up adults....
u have to repeatedly attempt to try and understand something in the hope that one day u will learn to survive the abuse.
u may still be often beaten by the operator even after years of cuts and bruises, but u r no more the same person....unless u unfortunately are....

in trading, u must have a view about every situation....that is free but priceless practice. provided u keep pushing wedge base under it slice by slice.

what if your perspective, out of 10 times, is first right 3 times, then 5, then 6,7...

fearing to take a position (even if in one's own mind) just out of fear being wrong is strengthening those chains of fear making oneself more emotionally tender and increasingly unfit to be a trader.

the problem is we start measuring our growth too early and too much in terms of money we make. the focus is too much on the results right from day one instead of on the a parent expecting paycheques from his/her new born.

stock trading is the most rewarding self-MBA where-in u should willingly invest time effort money blood seat and tears!!! the joy it gives is the purest and the best!!!

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