Wednesday, April 20, 2016

the ripened mango

one of my dear friends asked me yesterday why I was not/had not switched over to full time trading and quit my job. 

besides the minor reason that I'm a purely positional trader in index which requires just 3 to 4 times one eyed cursory glance at the charts and parameters per day, the major answer (as it came out from somewhere inside me ) is that you never leave the job and become full time just happens. 

it can't and shouldn't be done. it has to happen. like the dropping of a ripened mango. no effort required. no anxiety. not much thought. 

like the leaving behind of a baggage which is no longer required. 

never leave anything. what deserves to be left, gets left one night without goodbye. 

in fact, leaving is more of an analogue process than digital. 

things are being left behind gradually and incrementally every day, every moment. 

humans are used to events, life is a process.

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