Saturday, May 21, 2011

how to survive operators and make money

history of the world

is nothing but the history of the rulers.

and the story of the stock market

is nothing but the moves of the operators.

what operators do


and what do operators do?

they do

what helps them win

and hands you the loss.

how do they do that?

by tricking you!

these operators have just five tricks


even these five

prove to be too many

for the nervous creatures!

trick one:

when the majority is suspecting a fall

make the price rise with sharp falls

trick two:

when the majority is strongly fearing and waiting for the fall,

make the price rise

unrelentingly, steadily but gradually.

trick three:

when the majority is suspecting a rise

keep bringing down the price

with sharp pull ups.

trick four:

when the majority is strongly sensing a rise

keep pulling down the price

unrelentingly, steadily but gradually.

trick five:

but what if the majority is confused about the direction?

simple, make sharp unexpected false moves!


the better you know what is going on in your head

the better you know what the sentiment in the market is

the better you can anticipate the move of your predators.

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